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A Quick Note to My Listeners

September 8, 2023

My sincere thanks to those of you who've noticed my absence this week. I appreciate it when you reach out to me to make sure I'm alright.

I've been scarce this week because I've been filling in for Bill Colley on KLIX in Twin Falls. I'll be back to my usual routine on Monday.

I want to issue a special invite to my listeners to join me for a webinar next week on protecting your data and reclaiming your privacy.

It's not exactly a secret that big tech and big brother constantly know your location, all of your texts and what you are searching, and worst of all, they can access the cameras and microphones that you already have in your house.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Big tech companies like Facebook and Google are some of the most profitable companies in the world,

even though everything they offer is for free. That’s because YOU are the product.

The data they collect from you is proven to be their most valuable asset.

And they use that data to manipulate you.

But here’s the good news…

A majority of Americans report being concerned about the way their data is being used by companies

(79%) and the government (64%).

So, if you feel this way, you are not alone.

The problem is eight-in-ten U.S. adults think they have very little or no control over the data that

government (84%) or companies (81%) collect about them.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But the truth is, reclaiming your privacy is A LOT easier than you think.

The trick is, you need to know where to start.

That’s why I’ve asked my friend Glenn Meder, an online Privacy and Security Expert to prove that in his

5 Ways to Protect Yourself from Big Tech, Big Brother and Thieves Who Spy on You Without your


This is where you can learn how to protect your browser, computer, and smartphone from data thieves using simple techniques right now.

Glenn is going to give you a whole bunch of free tips on this webinar.

If you’re like most people and feel overwhelmed because you don’t think you can protect your data,

then you need to hear the strategies Glenn is giving away for FREE!

I hope to see you there.
