The thought of $7/gallon gasoline is not a pleasant one. Take a look at Michael Snyder's analysis on why this may be a reality sooner than later and plan accordingly.
There's something very satisfying about having a hand in producing the food that you eat. George Ford Smith says, savor the tast of independence, grow your own!
The "divide and conquer" strategy has been used against us for quite some time now. J.B. Shurk points out a silver lining some may have missed: It's finally beginning to enrage and unite us.
C.S. Lewis did the world a huge favor when he wrote "The Screwtape Letters." Daniel Klein builds upon Lewis' efforts with "A Devil's New American Lexicon."
Article of the Day:
This may be the best thing you read all week. Domenic Scarcella uses the example of Christ's earthly father to illustrate the virtue of disobedience. (I highly recommend subscribing to the Good Neighbor, Bad Citizen substack)