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Feb 2, 2024

Show Notes

February 2, 2024

The case of Missouri v. Biden could well be a turning point for free speech in America. Jeffrey A. Tucker gives a brief history of censorship and notes that today's censorship is personal.

One of the major tenets of hardcore leftwing thinking is the belief that everything that came before us was evil, superstitious or oppressive. Case in point: Don't be too pleasant or you could be accused of committing a 'microagression' against someone.

Domenic Scarcella is author of Good Neighbor Bad Citizen. He joins me to discuss his book and how we can utilize our influence with meekness rather than weakness.

Article of the Day:

Most people have no idea of the amount of philanthropic giving that is going on around them daily. Mitch Daniels has a great article on how local philanthropy can work without trying to save the world.
