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Feb 22, 2024

Show Notes

February 22, 2024

How can you tell if something is a legit symbol of liberty? Just watch and see if authoritarians want to ban it. James Bovard has an informative take on the Gadsden flag and why it frightens power-seekers.

Sometimes it feels like we've been drafted against our will into the culture wars. Albin Sadar says Christians must get serious if they hope to challenge leftist culture.

Most of us still remember a time when there was no such thing as official 'fact-checkers" to keep us in thrall to the narrative. Check out this Harvard study which shows how far to the left most of those fact-checkers are.

You may think you have nothing in common with Julian Assange. However, as Connor O'Keeffe explains, the outrageous persecution of Assange tells us a lot about where our government stands on freedom of the press.

Article of the Day:

The same people who brought you the covid lockdowns are trying to codify their approach through international health regulations. David Thunder says governments must reject those new amendments that hand more power to the World Health Organization.
