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Feb 26, 2024

Show Notes

February 26, 2024


People who are paying attention would likely trust gas station sushi more than they'd trust their government. J.B. Shurk says, as trust in government falls, spiritual faith rises.

There's a big difference between a culture of life and a culture of death. Michael Cook shares lessons in humanity from prehistoric people.

AI is sparking a fair amount of fear among people who worry that their skills and talent are about to become obsolete. Dylan Allman explains the growing conflict between the ego vs the machine.

If you were intent on politically shaping young minds to create potential communist militias, infiltrating public schools would be a great way to do it. Julio Shiling pulls back the curtain on Marxist indoctrination America's elementary schools.

Article of the Day:

Donald Trump continues to rack up wins despite his opponents--on all sides--throwing everything but the kitchen sink at him. Sasha Stone has a great article on why Joe Biden isn't sweating but he should be.
