Recognizing that the future is uncertain isn't a sign of paranoia. As Brandon Smith explains, it's a chance to use your situational awareness to shore up your personal preparedness for whatever may come.
Convenience may well prove to be our undoing as a nation, especially when it comes to how we seek to stay informed. J.B. Shurk describes how today's journalists seek power, not truth.
It used to be that the right credentials could open just about any door. Rob Jenkins says the collapse of credentialism could spell the end of our American technocracy.
Here's a new word to add to your lexicon: Verbicide. Jeff Minnick shares some timely examples of how manipulators are murdering the meaning of words in order to consolidate power over us.
Article of the Day:
What do Tank Man, Thomas Paine and The White Rose have in common? George F. Smith explains how they were all common people, like you, who courageously called out tyranny and became enemies of the state.