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Jan 18, 2024

Show Notes

January 18, 2024

If you've found yourself feeling addicted to bad news, here's a way to break the cycle--at least for a day. Paul Rosenberg counsels trying, for just one day, to choose to start with a blank slate.

One of the surest signs of societal decline is the loss of the sacred in American culture. Walker Larson shares some historical perspective and wonders if a society that's lost its sense of the sacred can endure.

Arguing does little to advance any worthwhile cause. Jon Miltimore has 5 solid reasons to avoid ad hominem arguments.

Article of the Day:

The harder the establishment fights to keep Trump from becoming the Republican nominee, the more clear their true nature becomes. Former left-winger Sasha Stone has a powerful essay on why she's rooting for the 1972 landslide she once feared.
