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July 1, 2024

Show Notes

July 1, 2024

After all those years I've spent bagging on the corporate media, I'm starting to feel vindicated by current events. Jordan Schachtel says the corporate media is the central party to whole Biden cover up.

The mask has slipped and the emperor has been revealed to be stark naked. J.B. Shurk explains how Biden's failing brain exposes the deep state treachery for all to see.

One of the purest choices we each have, at this moment, is whether to use our energy trying to fix a corrupted system or using it to build what comes next. Paul Rosenberg says, the cure is in our hands.

If there's anything that's considered absolute, it's that there are no longer any absolutes. Here's an especially timely commentary on how reality is not a social construct.

Article of the Day:

Last week brought several encouraging rulings from the Supreme Court as well as a few disturbing revelations of how corrupt our governing systems have become. Jeffrey A. Tucker reminds us that it's darkest before dawn.
