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July 10, 2024

Show Notes

July 10, 2024

Those blood red weather maps are supposed to frighten us into believing that every comfort in our lives must be discarded in order to save the climate. Austin Gae explains why the world needs fossil fuels.

Living in a high trust culture is a blessing in more ways than you might think. But how do you get a high trust culture? Paul Rosenberg asks, is it true that only moral people can be free?

Try not to be shocked but pretty much everything is now white supremacy--including the English language. Wenyuan Wu deconstructs the left's new crusade against "linguistic white supremacy."

Here's an interesting question: Is Donald Trump being elevated as the clear choice for president suspicious? Brandon Smith says, get ready for chaos to be unleashed and blamed on you.

Article of the Day:

This one is not for the faint-hearted. None of us wants to believe that there are really people so addicted to power that they'd kill anyone who threatens their hold on it. But Donald Jeffries makes a strong case that reality says otherwise.
