With all the craziness going on, it's easy to lose sight of the positive developments. Paul Rosenberg reminds us that the times they are a-changing for the better, in many ways.
Trying to make sense of last weekend's assassination attempt on Donald Trump isn't easy. Walker Larson explains why this event was a wake up call for America.
Is there a way to find unity again in such a sharply divided political environment? Kurt Mahlburg has some solid suggestions to put us on just such a path.
With every passing minute, more information surfaces which shows the depths of wickedness among the power-seekers and opportunists of the world. Karen Kwiatkowski says the deep state is nervous. And it should be.
Article of the Day:
When the events of this past weekend went down, one of my first thoughts was to wonder what Jim Quinn might have to say about them. Here's his latest, and it's a 1,000 mg red pill.