It's my weekly sit down with Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos. There's a lot going on and few people have a better handle on it all than my friend Eric.
Trying to make sense of the what's happening to our world isn't getting any easier. Jeff Thomas has a thoughtful explanation for our current trend of manufactured uncertainty.
The difference between the mindless masses and a thoughtful individual comes down to a willingness to humble ourselves by asking hard questions. Here are 21 difficult questions from Morgan Housel that will teach you a lot about yourself.
What protects our freedoms, laws or people? Brian Almon has some great examples of how tyrants and politicians (but I repeat myself) cannot be stopped by laws and elections alone.
Article of the Day:
The war on raw milk is picking up steam lately. The same experts who brought us such hits as "wear a mask" and "six feet of separation" as well as the incomparable "safe and effective" are saying raw milk is a vector for bird flu.