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Mar 18, 2024

Show Notes

March 18, 2024

The push to ban TikTok isn't just a threat to the young people who use that social media platform. As Daniel McAdams explains, it's an attack on free speech and arguably worse than the PATRIOT Act.

Irresponsible spending is the norm for most of the Beltway crowd. Don't be surprised when D.C. politicians start raiding American's retirement accounts in order to keep spending.

Do you struggle to get enough sleep at night? John Leake has some worthwhile suggestions for getting control of our sleep cycle and why it's one of the best things we can do for our health.

Article of the Day:

Machiavelli's name is synonymous with political pragmatism which focuses on what works versus focusing on what's right and wrong. Travis Scott has a fascinating take on Machiavelli and his book "The Prince."
