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Mar 25, 2024

Show Notes

March 25, 2024

It's a good thing that U.S. military enlistments are way down for the past two years. J.B. Shurk says, we should first fight for the Bill of Rights before defending the corrupt Washington D.C. cabal.

Now that it seems clear that a Trump vs. Biden rematch is likely this November, the election year frenzy is building. Richard Lim says we shouldn't be this invested in a presidential election.

Through various licenses and tracking schemes, our individual identity is being transformed into a state-granted privilege. Radio Far Side has an eye-opening take on why it's happening and why we shouldn't play along.

It's easy to think of the growing division around us as the product of political strife. Bruce W. Davidson says, it's more a product of the rejection of objective truth and rational thought.

Article of the Day:

It's not hard to see that psychopaths and sociopaths are drawn to high government positions. Karen Kwiatkowski explains how their proxy wars are finally coming home.
