The only lie that's become more threadbare than, "Of course I'll respect you in the morning" is the one that assures us, "Nobody wants to take your guns away." D. Parker's latest essay is pure gold.
The main reason that vax mandates were morally and legally wrong was because they denied our informed consent. Olivia Murray warns that this crucial ethical boundary is being quietly erased.
Homeschooling is likely the most successful parallel institution most of us have seen so far. Heather Carson addresses the side of homeschooling we don't talk about enough.
Ever get the impression that someone doesn't want us to eat beef any longer? Matthew Lysiak says the recently passed omnibus funding bill contains a cattle tracking provision that may limit the beef supply.
Article of the Day:
Plato's Allegory of the Cave should be required reading for any serious study of philosophy. Bert Olivier says it's time to resurrect this classic and apply its insights to the manufactured shadows that govern our world.