Note: My voice is just about gone so I'll forego recording a show today. However, please enjoy these show notes for your edification.
The times seem ominous and unsettled for lovers of liberty. However, Michael Matulef urges optimism as we move forward since the ground is fertile for seeds of liberty.
There have been rumblings about Wendy's fast food chain flirting with the idea of "dynamic pricing" for its menu. Thomas L. Knapp says, when time is money, 'dynamic pricing' makes everything cheaper.
It's important that we don't base our sense of worth on superficial things. At the same time, T.J. Martinelli reminds us that beauty inspires greatness and we should bring whatever beauty we can into the world.
Article of the Day:
When we can no longer trust the experts and every institution dedicated to public truth is under attack, it's not just a strange coincidence. Dr. Bret Weinstein warns that we are being systemically blinded to the truth.