There is power in prayer. Annie Holmquist checks in one year after taking Tucker Carlson's challenge to spend 10 minutes in prayer each day for our nation. She has some great insights.
There's no time like an election year to bring out the reality of how politics has become religion to a lot of folks. Thomas DiLorenzo deconstructs Christian worship of the false god of politics.
We're all working harder these days and we have less to show for it. Doug Casey breaks down the relentless rise of taxes, regulations and inflation and what we can do about it.
All the little miracles that make our lives easier can be taken for granted. Barry Brownstein explains what the campus protesters don't understand about civilization.
Article of the Day:
If you find yourself longing to simply be left alone to live your life in peace, you'll appreciate this article. Eric Hussey makes the case that the mundane, or ordinary, can protect us.