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May 2, 2024

Show Notes

May 2, 2024

Mike Maharrey from the Tenth Amendment Center and Money Metals Exchange joins me to talk about what's happening to our monetary system. Mike is always good for a principled take on what's at stake.

Paul Rosenberg has many years worth of thought-provoking essays. Here is one of his finest. He perfectly describes the war against will and how we are punished for leaving the collective.

Today is the National Day of Prayer. If there was ever a time for prayer, Tom McAllister says, this is it.

Criticizing the U.S. government isn't attacking America. Nor is criticizing the Israeli government attacking Judaism. Jacob Hornberger explains how deliberately conflating the two is laying a foundation for censorship.

Article of the Day:

Nietzsche warned that the danger in fighting monsters is that we risk becoming one ourselves. C.J. Hopkins has some timely advice on the matter.
