For all the lofty talk about "our democracy" few people seem to understand that it's simply a fancy name for mob rule. Fred Reed vivisects the ignorance upon which democracy thrives.
You'd be hard-pressed to find more racially-obsessed people than the so-called "anti-racists." Wanjiru Njoya describes why this nasty variant of collectivism is so averse to what it calls "the radical right."
It seems like someone within every generation feels an overwhelming need to reinvent the wheel. Walker Larson explains why there's wisdom in tradition and new isn't always better.
To get a sense of how much our language has been perverted for the purpose of deceiving the masses, take a look an older dictionary. Randall Hoven says, half a century ago, dictionaries told the truth.
Article of the Day:
Why do so few people recognize the degree to which censorship is being implemented? Jeffrey A. Tucker says, it's because the proof of that censorship is censored.