Our personal autonomy is rapidly disappearing as our basic necessities and taxes take every dime we earn. Jacob Hornberger calls for a return to the principles of economic liberty.
The perversion of language is a key component of tyranny. Case in point, states which have prohibited DEI are seeing its proponents simply creating new acronyms for institutional racism.
Are you in favor of smuggling or against it? Before you answer, take a look at this classic essay from Lawrence W. Reed on how he was a smuggler and makes no apologies for it.
You don't have to be a Trump fan to recognize the growing Uniparty desperation to prevent him from being re-elected. J.B. Shurk says, the good news is the deep state has exposed itself.
Article of the Day:
The thought that we are being deliberately steered into a major war is deeply unsettling to anyone with a conscience. Doug Casey welcomes us to the warfare state and talks about our options.