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Show Note for August 28, 2023

August 28, 2023

Are you starting to recognize the pattern? Something scary is coming and the ruling class needs more power over you right now. Brandon Smith lays out how covid and climate change are simply vehicles for global totalitarianism.

There's a fine line between blind obedience and reasonable cooperation. Daisy Luther has an excellent take on why you can't just blindly obey the authorities in a disaster.

With all the political back and forth going on, it's helpful to not get too mired in the partisan aspects. Jon Miltimore asks the most relevant question of the hour: Who will guard the guards to keep them honest?

Our prosperity is under constant attack by a political monster that continually blocks our way to prosperity. Art Carden exposes the three-headed monster giving us lousy public policy.

Article of the Day:

For all the media coverage and subsequent analysis of last week's GOP debate, there was very little substance offered to the American people. Jeffrey A. Tucker breaks down the great game of "let's pretend."
