It's not your imagination, the divide is deepening. Parallel economies may be a peaceful way to opt out of the systems that seek to rule us and a huge part of that will require raising the alternet.
Not everyone is a fan of precious metals but it's likely that more people will at least have an interest in them as the dollar continues to decline. Lawrence W. Reed reminds us of FDR's other day of infamy when he outlawed ownership of gold.
We've all heard that it's the little things in life that matter most. Annie Holmquist points out that we may soon have a chance to test whether we're valuing the trivial things in life or not.
The ruling regime seems determined to provoke a state of war with the American people. James Howard Kunstler pokes some gaping holes in the official narrative as he asks, "how's that war war going?"
Self sufficiency makes a lot of sense when considering all the various moving parts it takes to keep our grocery stores stocked. Milan Adams has a great column on whether food riots or food shortages could be coming to America.