NOTE: If you've noticed that I haven't posted a new episode in a day or two, your powers of observation are on target. Having said that, I still come across information that's too useful not to share. So please enjoy today's show notes.
Seeing Twitter put a "state-affiliated media" tag on NPR is delicious. But not as delicious as the left-wing tears being shed by mainstream media outlets who are upset with this acknowledgement. Caitlin Johnstone provides some timely perspective.
If you want to know the truth, it's not going to be handed to you by someone in authority. Martin Gurri explains how elites are using the word "disinformation" to stifle debate and curtail freedom.
The clamor for gun control is sounding once again. Brian Wilson has some marvelous intellectual ammo regarding the great gun control myth that imperfect men can craft imperfect legislation that will actually keep you safe.
How many lies are you told in an average day? The answer to that question depends greatly upon how much media (feeding you political soundbites) you consume. Jeff Minnick writes about identifying the liars and living by the truth.