There's no shortage of disorder around us but before we set out to fix it, we should fix whatever disorder exists within us. Dr. John C. Pulver joins me to talk about finding order in our lives.
Conscience is a highly personal thing. Not everyone is willing to stand up and be counted when there's a chance of being punished for doing so. The case of a Wisconsin teen who was arrested for reading bible verses outside an "all ages" drag show raises some interesting questions.
It takes a large amount of willful blindness to not see how the ruling class is refusing to abide by the proper limits on their power. J.B. Shurk warns that the "elites" cannot hide from the consequence of their actions.
Article of the Day:
Here it comes. The MSM is already urging us to "stay indoors" because of the "climate emergency." Could new lockdowns under the guise of global warming be far away?