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Show Notes for August 11, 2023

August 11, 2023

If you're serious about standing for what's good and true, there are time when compromise will not be an option. J.B. Shurk reminds us that evil never takes a holiday.

Gotta love the double standard we're seeing in the official outrage over Jason Aldean's song "Try That In a Small Town." Kurt Mahlburg wonders, how differently might the outraged react if Aldean were a rapper?

Here's a timely reminder from Michael Boldin from the Tenth Amendment Center about how referring to your natural rights by Amendment number empowers those who wish to restrict those rights.

Article of the Day:

An elderly Utah man who was recently killed in an FBI raid is the latest example of a show of force on the part of the feds. Michael Herman unpacks this disturbing trend and warns that we are all Roger Stone now.
