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Show Notes for August 21, 2023

August 21, 2023

I've spent many happy hours watching The Office purely for entertainment. Cody Cook says the popular sitcom about office politics can also teach us a lot about raw democracy.

What's not to love about the FedNow system that's being unrolled before our eyes? Connor Vasile says, pretty much everything about it. He offers a strong warning for the unwanted baggage it may bring.

Ready for a good strong dose of non-sugar-coated reality? Here's the latest from James Howard Kunstler on the bumpy ride that's straight ahead.

Those of us who aren't fluent in how the world of finance and monetary policy works will find it difficult to accurately describe what is coming. Charles Hugh Smith, on the other hand, knows what he's talking about and says he has a very bad feeling.

Article of the Day:

Understanding the tyranny that we live under today takes a willingness to connect the dots and not a small amount of courage. Check out how Donald Jeffries describes our predicament of hanging separately instead of together.
