The wholesale disenfranchisement of the unvaxxed, a year ago, has conveniently faded from memory. Todd Hayen warns that we are in the eye of the storm and this is not the time to get too comfortable.
Even as the CDC walks back its disastrous covid policies, few people are calling for accountability for the disastrous covid response. Jeffrey A. Tucker says, to tame a bureaucracy, you have to get rid of it.
There's no shortage of battles being waged all around us. Just keep in mind that the greatest battle most of us will fight is the one to improve ourselves. Brittany Hunter explains how this personal struggle has real impact on the other conflicts around us.
If you want serious clarity into the Marxist mindset, take the time to read Max Border's open letter to a young Marxist. You'll have a far better understanding of what Marxism is and what it isn't.
To illustrate just how badly the FBI has squandered the American public's trust, here's a story you need to be aware of. Thomas Lifson says an FBI affidavit was used to mislead a judge on a search warrant, in a plot to seize and forfeit contents of safety deposit boxes.