Would you give a higher priority to life or to liberty? It's not a trick question. It's a decision that each of us has to make at some point. Kent McManigal explains what he'd choose and why.
The past year and a half has been an object lesson in why federalism is a good idea. People who have tired of bending the knee in lockdown states are migrating in large numbers to the remaining islands of freedom. Bryan Caplan has a great article on covid migration and explains the asymmetry associated with it.
I'm really not trying to frighten anyone but we shouldn't pretend that liberty isn't a radical concept. Jacob Hornberger gives clear directions regarding the way out of the statist morass as well as explaining how it came to be in the first place.
What is your line in the sand? If you don't have a clear idea of what that line is, chances are slim that you'll find it when your back is against the wall. Brian Parsons has a very timely message for everyone whose line is about to get tested.
Given the devastation caused by how people in authority reacted to a novel coronavirus, it's not surprising that some of us are wondering who will be held accountable for it. Jeffrey A. Tucker says that this accountability is about something more than vengeance. It's about establishing a precedent that ensures it doesn't happen again.
Vaccine passports are steadily becoming a reality for many folks around the world. Michelle Malkin takes us inside the vaccine passport racket and explains who the corporate entities are that are pushing them.
I find it remarkable that more people aren't yet seeing through the Covid theater that political leaders are performing with their never-ending mandates and lockdowns. James Bovard expertly deconstructs the Biden administration's claims that new mandates will somehow help us economically.
These are the people who make it possible for me to do what I do: