With even Hollywood producing movies about societal collapse and civil war, one has to wonder whether this is predictive programming. J.B. Shurk wonders, should the states form new unions?
To get a clear sense of what's happening to our world, we need to get a sense of the big picture. Doug Casey shares some thoughts on phyles, Islam and warfare and how they are shaping current events.
Not to give anyone doubts about the Internal Revenue Service's finely tuned system of legal plunder, but the tax agency is about to make things harder for entrepreneurs. Peter Jacobsen warns that a new IRS policy may push independent contractors into corporate desk jobs.
There's a clearly recognizable pattern that power-seekers follow in order to increase their control over others. Paul E. Scates has a pretty solid breakdown of the totalitarian three-step.
Article of the Day:
Will we only appreciate the importance of free speech when it has been taken from us? Check out James Bovard's take on whether free speech is a relic in America.