Trusted voices are few and far between these days but we need them now more than ever. Dr. Jay Bhattacharya has been a voice of reason so many times throughout the past two years. He reminds us that we cannot stop the spread of Covid but we can end the pandemic.
If there were any doubts that the lockdowns were politically motivated, we now have documentation. Thomas L. Knapp explains how Francis Collin's emails spotlight the bureaucracy's attempted subjugation of science and scientists.
Whether you recognize it or not, freedom is at stake in a way that it hasn't been for some time. It's not just a matter of voting the right people into office. It's about people who understand what their rights are and what constitutes proper government. Few people explain this better than Leonard E. Read.
Learning to think for yourself requires a conscious decision. Propaganda is all around us and, as Caitlin Johnstone points out, maturity is realizing that it isn't just something that happens to other people. We have to propaganda-proof ourselves.
It seems as though every tyrannical mandate that have been imposed around the world is being implemented in the name of public health. Frank Furedi has an excellent article on the tyranny of public health and how it's being used to justify technocratic control over nearly every aspect of our lives.
The newly 'woke' U.S. military is in a unique and unenviable position these days. Andrew Bacevich asks the question: How awesome is 'awesome'? The answer is going to smart, for some folks, but we can't go on pretending that our military's number one job is keeping us free.
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