Have you noticed how cans and bottles have evolved to where they don't require a special opener? Art Carden explains how the shrinking need for a can opener is a triumph of the free market.
Current events can be a source of real anxiety. That's why I love James Howard Kunstler's down and dirty take on the end of an era.
The recent tearing down of a satanic statue in Iowa is causing a lot of mixed reactions. Brandon Smith's take is that such action is perfectly acceptable in a constitutional society.
Competition is treated like a dirty word these days. With a bit of help from Frederic Bastiat, Gary M. Galles tackles the question: Is competition the enemy of cooperation?
Article of the Day:
The Netflix movie "Leave the World Behind" may be predictive programming. Or it may just be an apocalyptic tale. Bert Olivier takes a closer look at the deception that may be at work.