Ever had someone demand that you provide a solution for a problem that you've pointed out? Gary D. Barnett has strong words for such people as well as a call to start acting on truth rather than demanding that others fix the world's ills.
Demand for covid shots has dropped off steeply. The Brownstone Institute asks, had you known, would you have taken the jab?
The push for fake meat has been intensifying for some time now. Peter C. Earle and Phil Magness take a deeper dive into whether this trend is more entrée or agenda.
When we don't know our own history, we are little more than children who depend on others to tell us what came before. Alexander Markovsky recounts how the American Republic was lost.
Article of the Day:
That whole "wars and rumors of wars" thing seems to be a reality in our time. Patrick Carroll offers 3 principles for libertarians (and other lovers of freedom) in times of war.