I thoroughly enjoy our weekly discussions with Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos. Eric always has a principled take on the passing scene and is a marvelous source of automotive information as well.
It's disturbing that the people and systems that seek to rule us simply cannot admit that they were wrong in how they have responded to the pandemic. Jordan Schachtel details how the war on a virus has resulted in colossal failure and how the ruling class is struggling to cover up this reality.
Speaking of avoiding reality, there's also the matter of what is happening/being done to our economy right now. Brandon Smith warns that mainstream economists are struggling to hide the incoming economic collapse.
If you are determined to find lasting happiness throughout your life's journey, you'll have to learn how to strip status from your thinking. Paul Rosenberg has an interesting take on what status is and why it's in our interest to resist pursuing it.
Given the case the American Colonies made for separating from Great Britain, would you have signed the original Declaration of Independence? How would you feel about a new Declaration of Independence? Charles Burris has a fascinating essay on the Declaration and our civic conscience.
Rush Limbaugh used to say that abortion may be a catalyst for a civil war. Given how polarized America has become, it's an observation that seems to have been on target. Betsy Clarke has a great breakdown of the Supreme Court's current row over Roe v. Wade.
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