Humor is a marvelous tool to help us manage the stress of a world that's getting more complicated by the minute. Joshua Glawson reveals how comedy, laughter and humor can improve our lives.
Climate change is almost certainly going to be the next "crisis" that will provide authoritarians the leverage they need to gain complete control. Kit Knightly says just look at the COP28 meeting in Dubai. The agenda couldn't be more clear.
Finding the ideal school for your child doesn't require great wealth or influence. As Kerry McDonald explains, if your kids are unhappy at school, trust yourself to find them another one.
How far would things have to go before the America people say, "Enough!" to the folks trying to remake our society? Linda Killian wonders if the sexual transitioning of children will be the tipping point.
Article of the Day:
If you've been working hard to snap out of your political tunnel vision, here's a terrific essay from Doug Casey that will help immensely. Doug writes about the end of the nation-state and gives the historical perspective to understand why this is happening.