Let's start with some good news. A federal judge has struck down the Biden administration's proposed mandate requiring all government contractors and subcontractors to get the vax. Daniel McAdams explains how this third strike against Biden's mandates is a long overdue victory for proponents of personal liberty.
I've never been on a safari before but it looks like I'll no longer have to travel to another continent to get a taste of the experience. Crime in many American cities is getting so bad that local media is advising the public to use "safari rules" when entering certain jurisdictions.
People who are starting to see the light are moving in record numbers to the remaining islands of freedom throughout the U.S. If you're considering a move to a freer locale, Dan Gelernter has some advice: Escape to a good state but don't ruin it.
Would you recognize totalitarianism if it was right under your nose? Annie Holmquist says indicators show totalitarianism in America is just around the corner and there are plenty of voices warning us about where we're headed.
What's the big deal about living in a surveillance society? It's a bigger deal than you might think. Steve Martinot explains what the surveillance state is and how it contributes to the enslavement of a people.
The phrase "build back better" is getting a lot of play these days but let's not pretend that this kind of central planning is something new. Simon Black reminds us of LBJ's war on poverty and how all that spending and government growth did nothing to solve the problem at hand.
Building parallel systems is an effective way to nullify tyranny by simply withdrawing from those systems that are too oppressive. Right now, the big tech oligarchs are starting to worry about the rise of alternative media platforms and the rebel alliance. You and I are contributors to their anxiety.
Keeping government within its proper boundaries requires an understanding of its proper role. Lawrence M. Vance explores the question of whether victimless crimes have victims. It's a distinction that far too many on the political right fail to grasp.
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