We can almost hear the category 5 election year hurricane that's about to roar over the horizon. Paul Rosenberg says, he'll need reasons to believe the next vote count.
One of the most eye-opening truths you'll ever learn is that the worst atrocities that have taken place in human history, happened because regular folks obeyed. Barry Brownstein explains why ordinary people enable totalitarians.
A Charlie Brown Christmas has aired on TV every single year since it was produced in 1965. Annie Holmquist shares the story of how the Christmas special so many of us grew up with, symbolizes a triumph of common sense.
If you want to see woke hypocrisy on display, you won't find a more clear example than the climate movement. Kurt Mahlberg says the climate hypocrites are everywhere.
Article of the Day:
Now that so much of the covid narrative is proving to have been false or mistaken, the "experts" who forced it on us think that amnesty is a good idea. Margaret Anna Alice has the perfect response in her Letter to the Amnesty-Demanders. (If you haven't already subscribed to her Substack, you really should)