Something that has become more and more clear to me over the years is the necessity of standing for your principles without bringing more anger into an already volatile world. Here's a great article on 3 ways to engage in political arguments more responsibly and constructively. This is really great advice.
Encouraging kids to become more independent isn't exactly fashionable in many circles. Lenore Skenazy says that at school, learning helplessness is becoming normalized.
Our sense of reality is being challenged so much these days that a lot of us find ourselves wondering if we really do live in the Matrix. The Z-man does a great job of connecting the dots that show we are experiencing something approaching the Covid Matrix.
We're entering an exciting and risky phase of history. The people are getting wise to how power-seekers and opportunists have played us for fools. James Howard Kunstler notes that the revolt has begun.
George Orwell's classic "1984" is more relevant than ever. While Orwell was clearly referencing the stark dangers of Stalinism, there's a lot we can learn from him about what's happening today. Lloyd Billingsley explains the significance from 1984 to 2022.
Most people would agree that free speech is important but very few can explain exactly why this is so. Caitlin Johnstone says, let's back up a second and ask why free speech really matters. Her observations are spot on.
It's fitting that the working class are the folks leading out in standing up to entrenched and oppressive bureaucracy. Paul Rosenberg comes right out and says it, the working class is morally superior to the ruling class.
Speaking of scraping the bottom of the political barrel, Canada's prime minister is doing a marvelous job of demonstrating how untethered from reality the ruling class has become. Laura Rosen Cohen warns that Trudeau is playing with fire, whether he realizes it or not.
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