What's the difference between democracy and liberty? Gary M. Galles describes the democracy illusion and how democracy can destroy liberty as well as preserve it.
Is the Great Reset becoming a Great Awakening?. Thomas Luongo can always be counted on for a straightforward take on such things. His take on trampling the truckers is spot on.
If you find yourself cheering when the state's violence is directed at people who aren't you, it's way past time to grow up. Paul Rosenberg beautifully explains how every lead up to tyranny starts with fear that is used to dehumanize others.
The desire to force others to do our bidding is at the root of so many of our present conflicts. It's one of many reasons why politics will never bring happiness.
Watching the intensely slanted coverage coming out of Canada and noting the conspicuous silence of any Western leaders, it's likely that similar crackdowns are headed our way. J.B. Shurk reminds us that the power of the powerless is real.
What was once dismissed as conspiracy sure looks a lot like reality. David Sacks explains how the social credit system we've all heard about has just been implemented in our neighbor to the North.
One of the foundations of personal freedom is the assumption of responsibility for one's own self-protection. Jack Kerwick has some solid advice about obtaining honest martial art instruction.
The folks who desire absolute control have escalated their efforts to bring the rest of us to heel. Jeffrey A. Tucker calls it what it is: economic warfare.
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