You can see the light beginning to come on for a lot of people. And they're not happy about what they're realizing. As Dr. Robert Malone explains, the CDC has deliberately withheld data from the public regarding Covid, over fears that it might be "misinterpreted." Whatever that means.
If you read just one article this week, it should be this one. Antony Davies shares some uncomfortable truths about our political parties and the need for a 3rd party alternative that isn't part of the corrupted machinery.
If you were a bit fuzzy on why property rights are foundational to a free society, there's an object lesson in what's happening in Canada right now. Charles C.W. Cooke says that Canada's cash grab reminds us why ownership matters.
The Canadian news media has actively worked to deceive the public through distorted and false narratives regarding the freedom convoy. American MSM will likely do the same. Twitter has already pulled the plug on this video from a U.S. freedom convoy organizer. I wonder why.
One of the toughest things we ever learn to do is to trust in our own ability to comprehend and judge the facts. Paul Rosenberg has a great essay on names and things, understanding and remembering.
This is a touchy subject for some but when government assumes tyrannical powers, an armed citizenry is the final check on illegitimate power. Scott McPherson lays out why the militia is more important than ever.
One of the reasons that police in Canada, Australia and New Zealand have been so brutal to the people of those nations is that the people have been effectively disarmed by law. Karina Schmitt notes that Democrats who are seeking to turn America into the new Venezuela cannot do so with an armed citizenry.
Julie Kelly is a national treasure when it comes to shining light on media's exploitation of the Jan 6 investigation. She draws some chilling parallels between our government and the Trudeau-style tyranny going on in Canada.
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