It's taken far too long but the truth is becoming impossible to deny. From a public health standpoint, the lockdowns not only weren't necessary but they imposed enormous economic and social costs as well. A new study out of Johns Hopkins confirms what so many have warned about over the past two years.
It seems like there are endless calls right now for people to "get boosted" for their own good. Here's one that I intend to act upon. Jeff Minnick suggests taking a liberty booster to help relieve stress and restore sanity.
Caleb Franz is the host of Profiles in Liberty and he joins me for what will be a regular segment regarding his latest episode. Today he shares the remarkable story of Frederick Douglass meeting with his former master after he was no longer a slave.
You can tell a lot about how much impact a person is having by the intensity of their opposition. If this is true, then Joe Rogan must be having major impact. The White House and the Surgeon General have called for Spotify to "deal with" Rogan. David Harsanyi says government has no business rooting out and flagging "misinformation" on our behalf.
It didn't take long for the powers that be in Canada to try to equate the snowballing trucker protest against vax mandates with a racist 1/6 kind of uprising. The key word here is "try." As Bradley C.S. Watson explains, the tactic is falling flat and the resistance appears poised to keep on truckin'.
Economics can be boring until you see an example of how it applies in your life. You know, like if you eat food, for instance. Caitlin Gilligan has an eye-opening essay regarding the dark truth about America's agricultural system and how it's no longer a free market.
Connor Boyack has some highly relevant thoughts on truckers, Joe Rogan and unacceptable views. He also has a very timely call to action to teach our children the importance of being peaceful protestors, critical thinkers and questioners of the status quo.
A difficult, albeit necessary, skill to master is the ability to keep things in perspective. For instance, how many of us labor under the impression that we are the only ones who ever empty the trash or load the dishwasher. Joakim Book has a great essay on the negativity effect and how to avoid being trapped in it.
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