NOTE: My voice is almost gone today so I won't be doing a show. Nevertheless, enjoy today's show notes.
Here's some timely reassurance that people are better than we're often led to believe. It's the story of a good Samaritan in Alabama who secretly paid for people's prescriptions for a decade.
It came as no surprise that Joe Biden used the state of the union address to agitate for a ban on so-called assault weapons. Jonathan Turley puts to rest the president's dubious claims and call for further gun control.
There was a time when, if you needed a character witness in court, you'd call your clergyman to the stand to attest to your character. Now we call a psychiatrist. Doug Casey warns about the dangerous trend of psychiatric repression.
Those who pushed hardest for lockdowns, masks and mandated vaccines are now claiming that they were simply "in the dark" as to what should be done. Bretigne Shaffer isn't buying it. She sets the record straight on early treatment of covid and potential vaccine dangers that were understood early on.
If you've ever wondered whether you would comply with tyranny or stand firm against it, you already have your answer. Jeffrey A. Tucker describes covid and the 3 tests of compliance.