If the founders gave us a government for a moral people, what happens when we stop being moral? Joe Strader points out that we face a moral conundrum in the coming ideological battle.
It may seem too simple to be true but the best way to effect change in the world is to start with ourselves. Annie Holmquist reveals how good government starts in our marriages, our minds and our communities.
James Bovard is one of my favorite writers because he seamlessly combines penetrating insights with razor sharp wit. Check out this collection of his best pandemic potshots and other epigrams.
Like the old t-shirt used to say: Hard work fascinates me, I could watch it for hours. Stephen Whitney has a thoughtful take on finding the value in hard work.
Brandon Smith has an eye-opening article on how the digitization of humanity shows why the globalist agenda is evil. It might sound like a tinfoil hat conspiracy, if it weren't coming from the mouths of World Economic Forum members themselves.