Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos stops by to drop off his weekly reality supplement for my listeners. Among the topics we discuss, we explore how we got to where we are today and where we appear to be headed.
Nothing illustrates the depth of deception to which we've been subjected like the way those in authority eventually come to embrace the very same truths they've tried to suppress for the past two years. Elle Reynolds describes how the media and CDC have quietly admitted to 3 Covid truths after 2 years of lies. Did they think we wouldn't notice?
History offers many valuable warnings to those who take the time to learn from it. Jared McBrady explains how the current "othering" of the unvaccinated has plenty of historical precedents. And none of those precedents had a happy conclusion.
If you've found yourself wondering how the Supreme Court has enabled nearly unlimited growth in our national government, the Wickard v. Filburn case is a great place to start. James R. Harrigan and Antony Davies provide one of the best explanations you'll read.
You may not realize it but we are engaged in an existential battle over who will control the information we may access in order to understand our world. J.D. Tuccille lays out why it's dangerous to allow politicians and 'officials' to determine what constitutes 'truth'.
Given how public schools are increasing becoming a battleground for the minds of our children, it's hard to fault parents who've chosen to get their kids out. Annie Holmquist says homeschooling has just crossed the tipping point.
When it comes to higher education, many of us are hoping a similar tipping point is approaching. Isaac Morehouse says it's never been more important to skip college. He definitely has some points worth considering.
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