If you haven't had the chance to deal with a bully, just wait a bit longer. Bullies are a fact of life but handling them doesn't have to put you in physical or moral jeopardy. Paul Rosenberg says dealing with violence is a fact of life but you don't have to become a bully to do it.
The recent testy exchanges between Senator Rand Paul and Dr. Anthony Fauci have been worth keeping an eye on. This isn't just a personality clash, it's an epic struggle of a bureaucrat trying to duck accountability. Phillip W. Magness and James R. Harrington have some marvelous background regarding Fauci, emails and some alleged science.
Every day we're seeing more evidence that the people who've been calling the shots on lockdowns and vaccine mandates have been terribly wrong. It's long past time for them to stand up and be truthful. Jeff M. Lewis has some simple, honest questions about Covid-19.
The Fourth Turning historical cycle that is playing out before us is building to its climax. Jim Quinn has a lengthy and highly informative essay on our current bad moon rising. Better buckle up. Bumpy road ahead.
Sometimes it seems like we have to choose between being misled by lies and propaganda or by misinformation and conspiracy theories. The Good Citizen has a great essay on Indiana Alex Jones and the Last Conspiracy Theory. A very worthwhile read.
If someone suggests that we are living in revolutionary times, they're not wrong. The question is, what kind of revolution we're experiencing. Ron Paul says we need a revolution of ideas that don't rely on the force of government for their legitimacy.
The prospect of a civil war is not something to be romanticized. William Sullivan accurately recounts what issue was really at the heart of what we call the Civil War and why it's relevant today.
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