These days, when you hear someone referred to as a "menace" by authoritative mainstream sources, it's a good sign that the individual in question is doing a fine job of challenging the official narrative. Jordan Schachtel does a marvelous job of taking apart MSM claims that '270 doctors' have petitioned Spotify to deplatform Joe Rogan.
When it comes to assessing the astonishing damage done by Covid lockdowns, the question we'll be asking ourselves for generations to come will be: what might have been? Jeffrey A. Tucker breaks down the timeline and where it all went horribly wrong.
Grayson Quay is the weekend editor at The Week, a columnist and a regular contributor for Young Voices. He drops in for some thoughtful dialogue about current events including Joe Rogan and the RNC threatening to boycott the 2024 presidential debates. When I see that he's published something new, I take the time to read it.
Many of us have learned a lot about ourselves and the people around us over the past two years. We've had plenty of opportunity to see who is willing to stand for his or her beliefs. Moving ahead, Allan Stevo advises to separate yourselves from those lacking courage and group yourself with the courageous.
Why is courage such a rare thing to encounter today? Paul Rosenberg has a terrific explanation on why the West has no backbone: We've forgotten the reasons why we once valued the virtues we once held.
After so many years of MSM pooh-poohing the idea of false flag operations as so much 'conspiracy theory' twaddle, they are certainly pushing the idea that Russia is about to launch one. Caitlin Johnstone explains why this is such a sharp pivot from the usual party line and how it proves we cannot trust official pronouncements.
Refusal to accept the "new normal" as normal isn't a sign of anti-social thinking. It's the duty of each person who retains the power to love what's good and noble. Glenn Ellmers has a great take on resisting the new normal and its accompanying assault on reason.
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