True confession, today is my last day of official quarantine. I took the time to watch a movie that Jeffrey A. Tucker wrote about a couple of weeks ago. I'm glad I did. His review of Songbird: the dystopian film that became real is well worth your time. Better still, watch the movie for yourself. It's on Hulu.
We all love our comforts but the debt-based economy cannot continue indefinitely. Dr. Shanon Brooks from Monticello College joins me to talk about the new economy and a series of presentations he'll be doing across the state of Utah in the month of February. It would be worth your time to attend one, if possible.
It's crazy how the things that were getting people deplatformed and banned from social media are finally being acknowledged as truth. Case in point: The CDC now admits that natural immunity offered stronger protection than the vax did against the delta variant. Jon Miltimore has the details.
We've all been forced to think outside the box as everything around us keeps shifting. Keith Kelsch stops by to talk about a Voice, Vote and Value Summit that will be held in St. George, Utah on Jan 27th. This is a conversation that you should really be part of.
Whenever someone talks about being on the "right side of history" your eyes should narrow. Frank Furedi explains that there is no 'right' side of history. Too often, it's just a way of shutting down debate.
It's no exaggeration to state that the past two years have been especially tough on kids. Bari Weiss recently shared an essay from a public school teacher named Stacey Lance making the case that the kids aren't alright. It's as heartbreaking as it is enlightening.
When people in power do genuinely destructive things with that power, we have a prime opportunity to learn from their mistakes. We also have a duty to ensure they are not allowed to wield such power ever again. J.B. Shurk recounts the harm done and concludes: After Covid, Never Again.
I really like Kent McManigal's ability to get to the heart of the matter. His recent essay on how modern life isn't a gift from government is a succinct reminder not to let politicians try to convince us otherwise.
You don't have to be a supporter of the Jan 6 protesters who let themselves into the Capitol to be appalled at how the official explanation of what happened isn't adding up. John Green doesn't hold back when he explains how and why the Jan 6 narrative is starting to unravel.
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