Have you noticed how upset some people get when Nazi policies are compared with the current "othering" of the unvaccinated today? Barry Brownstein reminds us that moving from darkness to light will always entail risk. Even so, it's the right thing to do.
It's strange how the harder a society tries to avoid all risk, the controlling it becomes for everyone. Jon Sanders may be a daredevil, compared to some, but he says zero risk is too risky for him.
I say this as someone who loved a good old fashioned throw-down with strangers online: Don't do it. Joakim Book has an excellent essay about arguing with strangers and how, for all the drama, it doesn't change a thing.
Ever heard of the phrase "a Jezebel spirit"? I hadn't until I read Allan Stevo's latest column about how Jezebel spirits thrive when there is no one willing to stand. If you've wondered why your courage is needed, now more than ever, this is a terrific read.
Isn't it fascinating how mask mandates are one of the primary battlegrounds now between the folks who want to control others and the rest of us? Jeff Diest says it's time to unmask America and get back to normal life--with visible human faces.
My friend Curt Mercadante recently reminded me that we tend to find more of the things upon which we focus. This means that focusing on the negative will bring more negativity into your life. On the other hand, if you were to focus on things like heroic virtue, don't be surprised if you experience more of it. Andrew E. Harrod provides a handy definition of what that kind of virtue is.
It's hard to overstate how much Glenn Greenwald has done and continues to do to shine the light of truth for anyone who is seeking it. His latest article on how Congress's 1/6 committee is claiming absolute power as it investigates citizens with no judicial limits is some straight up truth-telling.
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