With a new year before us, it's understandable that many of us are engaging in a bit of self-examination as to where we can work on improving ourselves. Here's a novel suggestion by Rustic Mama from the Organic Prepper site: 2022 is a fine year to work on standing up to bullies--especially the one that lives in your own head.
A number of folks are breathing a sigh of relief that 2021 is over. Before we let the-year-that-was get too far downstream, Clarice Feldman reminds us that there are a few loose ends we ought to tie up first.
Here's a thought courtesy of Paul Rosenberg: What are you doing today that will benefit people a thousand years from now? Paul's new year's meditation for 2022 is an invitation to appreciate those who paved the way before us as well as a chance to consider what we might to for those who'll follow us.
If you're looking for a great resource for thoughtful wrongthink, I highly recommend Mary Anna Alice and her substack site. Her latest on the Ministry of Truth's "war on misinformation" is terrific.
Joe Rogan is becoming a one-man clearinghouse of unapproved information. His recent interview with Dr. Robert Malone is well worth the 3 hours you'll need to watch it. The fact that Rogan's interviews with Malone and Dr. Peter McCullough have been yanked from YouTube & Twitter casts more doubt upon their censors than it does their message.
Dr. Malone has a commentary that he wrote this weekend about not participating in a lie. Malone wonders aloud about why doctors haven't been allowed to freely practice medicine and why natural immunity is being downplayed by media and the medical and political establishments.
One of the more fascinating commentaries on Dr. Malone comes from Stacy Rudin. The hatchet-men journalists who are trying to marginalize physicians who stray from the Covid orthodoxy simply can't seem to grasp that speaking the truth seldom involves some form of personal gain. They assume that everyone is as corrupt as they are.
Nothing better illustrates the open attempts to prevent the public from seeing or hearing what certain authoritarians consider "unapproved" information than how Google is memory-holing Dr. Malone. Monica Showalter says the mass psychosis spell has begun to break, in part, thanks to Malone's efforts.
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