You've no doubt heard a lot about the alleged "threats to our democracy" recently. J. Peder Zane has noticed that the ones shouting the loudest about democracy are the very same ones who are working overtime to subvert it for their own political goals.
There are many reasons to oppose the lockdown mentality and the harm it causes to our freedoms, the economy and our mental health. Here's another reason lockdowns and mandates have been especially destructive: pandemic babies are showing developmental delays, even if their mothers didn't have Covid.
You don't have to be carrying a grudge in order to recognize that the relationship the government and the people has shifted drastically in the last two years. Judge Andrew Napolitano spells out the chilling lessons of Covid-19 and why they matter as we move forward.
Everyone who steered clear of their television set yesterday was wise to do so. As Glenn Greenwald explains, the histrionics and melodrama around 1/6 are laughable but they serve several key purposes.
If you had any doubts as to how certain members of the political class are exploiting their so-called "insurrection" for some perceived advantage, here's something to chew on. Jonathan Turley reports that some Democratic groups and commentators are calling for the disqualification of many Republican candidates to "save democracy." Where have we seen this kind of thing before?
Here's a topic that tends to make some folks panic: justice without the state. Doug Casey has an enlightening take on the failures of the justice system and a viable solution.
I'm a believer in being prepared mentally, materially and spiritually for the unstable times in which we live. Stasia Decker-Ahmed says, take a look at what's happening in other first world nations. And resist the urge to pretend it can't happen here.
Here's a bonus image for those who want to know what it looks like to put your money where your mouth is. A company is pulling out of the Vegas SHOT Show because of the mask mandates. Read the letter for yourself.

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