What did you experience growing up that may be holding you back today? Dr. John C. Pulver joins me to talk about how to put things in perspective in a way that allow you to move forward with confidence. Here's a link to the Family Awareness Questionaire for his book "Growing Beyond Your Family of Origin Experience"
Is covid making a comeback? James Howard Kunstler warns that a crisis of bad faith and sickness is happening at the same time as a vicious cycle of economy and finance. He advises that we maintain situational awareness.
It sure feels like we're being marched into another war where anything less than a Toby Keith level of support puts one's patriotism in question. Thomas L. Knapp has a very solid take on what it means to oppose war without the obligatory disclaimers.
Article of the Day:
For the record, I don't want to send the government after my ideological adversaries. Having said that, Brandon Smith may have a point when he says that journalists attacking the film "The Sound of Freedom" probably should have their computer hard drives investigated.