One of the best pieces of life advice you'll ever hear is Booker T. Washington's counsel to, "Cast down your bucket where you are." Barry Brownstein unpacks this marvelous saying and how it applies to us.
With all the serious stuff going on around us, it's easy to forget the simple joy of laughter. Annie Holmquist celebrates loving laughter in a world that discourages joy.
School choice is gaining ground as the divide between parents and teachers unions deepens. As Kerry McDonald explains, it's the year of school choice but some barriers remain.
Resisting the assimilation efforts of the Borg takes some hardcore commitment. Dr. Simon Godek has some top notch suggestions for fortifying yourself against the Great Reset.
Article of the Day:
The question of who runs the world has spawned innumerable conspiracy theories. Check out this short video clip explaining how we are being ruled through financial means and see if it doesn't make sense.